Download the ones you want and unzip them. I'm particularly fond of Steve Hibberd's 85x20 pixel Side View Logos.

Don't bother trying to download silhouettes from the links on that page.These are all 85x20 pixel bmp files and they all go right into the flags folder. Unzip it somewhere, and put the flags images (yes, all 1384 of them) into a flags folder under the folder you made above.Download the Operator Logo Starter Pack Size 85 x 20.Go to the Bones Aviation download page.Personally, I like \VirtualRadar\ or perhaps \users\yourlogin\VRS\. DO NOT use the \program files\ folder VRS is installed in, use something else. Make a folder that you will use to hold the images for VRS.Simple (little or no customization) version. Have VRS entirely installed and working other than flags and silhouettes before you start this. I can't prevent linkrot so it is possible links will not work at some later date. Updated instructions for getting operator flags and silhouettes working in VRS 2.4 or later. If everything worked then you should start seeing silhouettes and operator flags on the web site. If you do not have a BaseStation.sqb configured then ensure that you have Lookup aircraft details online ticked.Ĭlick OK. In the Data Sources section enter the full path to the folder where you unzipped Silhouettes Logos into Silhouettes folder, and the full path to the folder where you unzipped Operator Logos Version 1 into Flags folder. In Virtual Radar Server go to Tools | Options. Unzip the two files into separate folders. To get things going just pick version 1, you can experiment with the others later and pick one you like. You have a choice of different operator flags, they're the files Operator Logos Version 1 through Version 4. The Silhouettes Logos file contains the model silhouettes, there's only one of those. You can download silhouettes and operator flags from Kinetic's website here: The first step in getting these working for your installation is to download a set of flags and silhouettes and unzip them onto your machine. The Virtual Radar Server installer does not install operator flags or model silhouette images.