The articles, published in the Fort Frances Times and Rainy River Herald, describe how the area was developed including the gold rush around the turn of the century, the birth of the logging industry and how railways and highways opened the area to the rest of the country. The articles appear as they did when originally published and have not been edited in any way. 100 years, 100 stories The History of the Rainy River District The following pages are a testament to the history of Rainy River District.For more information on voting you can visit fortfrances.ca/town/mayor-council/elections. Then on Election Day the Help Centre will be open from 10 a.m.-8 p.m. The help centre will also be open 8:30 a.m. There will be no polling stations but those in need of help to vote can stop by the Voter Help Centre at the Civic Centre Monday Oct. The letter contains a PIN required to vote. If you do not receive your letter by Oct.

Voter instruction letters were mailed as of Oct. There will be no in-person voting, voting will be done by phone or on the internet. Each of the council candidates and the two mayoral candidates will have their own table and people can visit them and talk to them and ask questions that perhaps the Chamber didn’t cover. “After the debate from 8:30-9:30 out in the cafeteria we’re having a meet and greet,” Johnson said. People will have an opportunity to ask their own questions in the meet and greet portion of the evening in the Fort Frances High School cafeteria. All the questions will be from the Chamber of Commerce, we are not taking questions from the floor, mostly just as a matter of time.” “Nothing earth shaking, just how they plan to do their term if they are elected. “They are just questions regarding town happenings, and what’s going on,” Johnson said. The questions won’t be terribly controversial Johnson said, focussing on things that matter in the community.